At last! Accurate and Easy Azimuth Adjust!

Oct 6, 2023

Adjust Azimuth within ±0.2Degrees with Alphason Audio’s new HR-200S-AZ


Like most Audiophiles, over the years I’ve tried, tested and invested in many high-performance tone arms, turntables, phono-stages and more, all in the effort to get closer and closer to that sound, that original performance.

“Which high end cartridge?” was one of those decisions I had to deliberate. To my dismay, I discovered that when fitting the stylus to the cantilever, some of best cartridge manufacturers can only achieve a tolerance of 5 degrees! Others are even worse than this… often leading to a degree of crosstalk.

As a result, aligning the stylus tip in the groove with precise accuracy requires the ability to alter the attitude of the cartridge to the groove – and that means adjusting the tonearm. Most ‘arms provide height adjustment, which allows you to correct for errors in stylus rake angle. But when it comes to rotational error (azimuth) most tonearm designs either ignore the problem or adopt a severely compromised solution.

The classic solution is to enable azimuth adjustment via a locking collar that allows users to rotate the head shell. However, this introduces a coupling between the head shell and the arm tube, which adds both mass and a potential source of compliance just at the point where you don’t want it, compromising performance.

Reflecting on this compromise I was prompted to put the research into reality when Roy Gregory reviewed the HR-200S (very favourably I might add); he commented that the arm is in a league of its own, especially at its price. But he also suggested that we could improve performance still further by allowing even better cartridge alignment – and that meant adding azimuth adjustment.

And now, Alphason Audio have released the innovative and groundbreaking HR-200S-AZ. Providing a radical, yet simple and well-engineered approach to delivering azimuth adjustment without compromising performance.

Using a two-piece, concentric gimbal housing, we maintain structural integrity while a grub screw allows precise adjustment of head shell/cartridge azimuth. One full turn of the screw adjusts Azimuth by ±2.5 degrees easily enabling fine adjustment down to an unprecedented ±0.2 degrees! Once adjustment is made, a pair of locking screws ensure that the concentric inner gimbals are structurally rigid.


When I showed the design to Roy, he in turn suggested I show it to an internationally renowned professional who makes his living by travelling the world, setting up state of the art analogue systems. His response was short – and sweet: “That’s the way to do it.”

The HR-200S-AZ sets the benchmark for precise adjustment of Azimuth with no increase in effective mass and no reduction in structural rigidity. It provides all the benefits of precise Azimuth adjustment with none of the compromises.

So, what does it sound like? As you may expect, by aligning the stylus vertically in the groove on a high-resolution hi-fi system, the focus of each instrument and vocalist is sharper and better defined with less “bloom” around them. The three-dimensional imaging is more precisely defined with more clear space between the artists, both left to right and front to back. The sound is simply more natural and, as with any improvement, somehow sounds right compared with what has gone before.

Better audio systems go beyond the threshold where the performers start to sound like they are there. High-definition, high-end systems (otherwise referred to as “great Hi-Fi”) go beyond this threshold by a good margin. The HR-200S-AZ is rare in that it increases the performance margin in a way that no other tone arm can.

The Alphason HR-200S-AZ is a new and unique step forward for lovers of music. Another significant industry first from Alphason Audio.

Why settle for less? Register your interest today by putting your name on the waiting list for a 30-day free home trial. Go here to register.

Hope to see you at the UK Audio Show at the weekend.

With best wishes, Mike

Alphason Audio Will Be Exhibiting at The UK Audio Show on the 7th – 8th of October, so come and meet the team, have a chat, and experience the all-new HR-200S. You can find us in room 29 along with Solid Sounds.


At last! Accurate and Easy Azimuth Adjust!

At last! Adjust Azimuth within ±0.2Degrees with Alphason Audio’s new HR-200S-AZ

Alphason Audio to showcase HR-200S-AZ at UK Audio Show

Alphason Audio to showcase the HR-200S-AZ Reference Tonearm with Azimuth Adjust at the UK Audio Show.

Alphason Audio are back with the all-new HR-200S Reference Tonearm

Alphason Audio will be demonstrating the all-new HR-200S reference tonearm at The North West Audio Show on the 17th – 18th of June.

We Will Be Exhibiting at The UK Audio Show in October

Alphason Audio Will Be Exhibiting at The UK Audio Show on the 7th – 8th of October. Come and say hello!

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